Some great work in 2019!!!

Our group keeps working and growing!

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Some group members wrapped up their work with us and will be missed!

Jessica (student), Kevin (medical school), Emily (student), Fraulein (student), Sebastien (student), Malek (student), Nicolas (graduated), Océanne (student), Amanda (Assistant Professor at Queen’s), Keith (Program Director at the Chemical Institute of Canada).

Our publications can be found on our Publications page.

We were fortunate to have two visiting professors: Peter Mahaffy (co-PI, the King’s University) and Stephen McNeil (visiting professor, UBC-Okanagan).

Welcome to all our new students this year!

Denzel (MSc), Alisha (MSc), Zena (MSc), Romeo (Honours), Danny (UROP), Jessica (volunteer)

Curious about graduate studies in chemistry education? Our infographic gives some information:

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